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Articles in Journals
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Popular Press
Online Scholarly Venues
Radio and Podcasts
Articles in French and Italian

Race, Nation and Religion in the Americas
Oxford Press (2004), Elizabeth McAlister

Rara! Vodou, Power and Performance in Haiti and its Diaspora
UC Press (2002), Elizabeth McAlister
Articles in Journals

Caribbean Women’s Fugitive Speech Traditions
Women in French Studies (2019), Elizabeth McAlister

The militarization of prayer in America: white and Native American spiritual warfare
Journal of Religious and Political Practice (2015), Elizabeth McAlister

From Slave Revolt to a Blood Pact with Satan: The Evangelical Rewritin
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses (2012), Elizabeth McAlister

Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions (2013), Elizabeth McAlister

Globalization and the Religious Production of Space
J Scientific Study of Religion (2005), Elizabeth McAlister

Journal of Africana Religions (2014), Elizabeth McAlister

Soundscapes of Disaster and Humanitarianism: Survival Singing, Relief Telethons, and the Haiti Earthquake
Small Axe (2012), Elizabeth McAlister

Slaves, Cannibals, and Infected Hyper-Whites: The Race and Religion of Zombies
Anthropological Quarterly (2012), Elizabeth McAlister

Teaching September 11th
The Council of Societies for the Study of Religion: Bulletin (2001), Elizabeth McAlister

Journal of Caribbean Studies (1993), Elizabeth McAlister
Chapters in Edited Volumes

Necroscape and Diaspora: Making Ancestors in Haitian Vodou
Spirit Service:Vodun and Vodou in the African Atlantic World. (2022), Elizabeth McAlister

Race, Gender, and Christian Diaspora: New Pentecostal Intersectionalities in Haiti
Spirit on the Move: Black Women and Pentecostalism in Africa and the Diaspora (2019), Elizabeth McAlister

Possessing the Land for Jesus
Spirited Things: The Work of “Possession” in Afro-Atlantic Religions (2014), Elizabeth McAlister

Sacred Waters of Haitian Vodou: The Pilgrimage of Sodo
Sacred Waters: A Cross-Cultural Compendium of Hallowed Springs and Holy Wells. (2020), Elizabeth McAlister

Religion in Post-Earthquake Haiti
Haiti Rising: Haitian History, Culture and the Earthquake of 2010 (2010), Elizabeth McAlister

Catholic, Vodou, and Protestant: Being Haitian, Becoming American
Immigration and Religion in America: Comparative and Historical Perspectives (2009), Elizabeth McAlister

The Jew in the Haitian Imagination: A Popular History of Anti-Judaism and Proto-Racism
Race, Nation, and Religion in the Americas (2004), Elizabeth McAlister

Love, Sex, and Gender Embodied: The Spirits of Hatian Vodou
Immigration and Religion in America: Comparative and Historical Perspectives (2009), Elizabeth McAlister

A Sorcerer’s Bottle: The Visual Art of Magic in Haiti
Sacred Arts of Haitian Vodou (1995), Elizabeth McAlister

Je nan Je: Haitian Visual Epistemologies
Ghetto Biannale/Geto Byanal 2009-2015, Elizabeth McAlister

Listening for Geographies: Music as Sonic Compass Pointing Towards African and Christian Diasporic Horizons in the Caribbean
Black Music Research Journal (2012), Elizabeth McAlister

From the Rubble to the Telethon: Music, Religion, and the Haiti Quake
Spirited Haiti Rising: Haitian History, Culture and the Earthquake of 2010 (2010), Elizabeth McAlister

Rara as Popular Army: Hierarchy, Militarism, and Warfare
Perspectives on the Caribbean: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation (2009), Elizabeth McAlister

The Rite of Baptism in Haitian Vodou
Religions of the United States in Practice (2001), Elizabeth McAlister

The Madonna of 115th Street Revisited: Vodou and Haitian Catholicism in the Age of Transnationalism
Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration (1998), Elizabeth McAlister
Popular Press

Haiti and the Distortion of its Vodou Religion
CNN.com (2017), Elizabeth McAlister, Millery Polyné

Perspectives on Haiti’s Earthquake
New York Times (2010), Elizabeth McAlister

Vodou’s View of the Quake
Washington Post (2010), Elizabeth McAlister

The Lucky Ones
Division II Faculty Publications (2000), Elizabeth McAlister

National Public Radio (1996), Elizabeth McAlister

They’re praying for the worst. Is that wrong?
Los Angeles Times (2014), Elizabeth McAlister

Why does Haiti suffer so much?
CNN.com (2010), Elizabeth McAlister

Devil’s Logic: Behind Pat Robertson’s Haitian Blame Game
Forbes.com (2010), Elizabeth McAlister

Roundtable: Haitian Music (Part 2) “What Does Revolution Sound Like?”
The New Yorker (2009), Elizabeth McAlister

Serving the Spirit Across Two Seas: Vodou Culture in New York and Haiti
Aperture (1992), Elizabeth McAlister

Foreign Policy (2011), Elizabeth McAlister
Online Scholarly Venues

The Immanent Frame, Social Science Research Council Blog (2010), Elizabeth McAlister

Rara Festivals in New York and Haiti
Wesleyan University (2016), Elizabeth McAlister

E-Misferica (2010), Elizabeth McAlister, Lovely Nicolas

Obama, Zombies, and Black Male Messiahs
(2009), Elizabeth McAlister
Radio and Podcasts

NPR Throughline (2019), Elizabeth McAlister

Pulse of the Planet (2022), Elizabeth McAlister

A Crisis of Faith and Meaning: Understanding the Haiti Earthquake
Wesleyan Interfaith Voices (2010), Elizabeth McAlister

Afropop Worldwide (2007), Elizabeth McAlister
Articles in French and Italian

Bulletin du Bureau National d’Ethnologie (2014), Elizabeth McAlister

Amour, sexe et genre incarnés : les esprits du vaudou haïtien
Africultures (2004), Elizabeth McAlister

En Haiti, la musique prend le pouvoir
Slate Afrique (2011), Elizabeth McAlister

Voyage autour d’une bouteille de sorcier
Vaudou (2003), Elizabeth McAlister